November 7 1:30pm-2:30pm
Outcomes of PR100: Puerto Rico Grid Resilience and Transitions to 100% Renewable Energy Study
Abstract: Since Hurricanes Irma and Maria in September 2017,DOE and its national laboratories partnered with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the Government of Puerto Rico to provide Puerto Rico energy system stakeholders with tools, training, and modeling support to enable planning and operation of the electric power grid with more resilience against further disruptions. Launched in February 2022, a two-year study entitled Puerto Rico Grid Resilience and Transitions to 100% Renewable Energy (PR100) will perform a comprehensive analysis of stakeholder-driven pathways to Puerto Rico’s clean energy future. The robust and objective energy analysis will have emphasis on power system reliability, resilience, and generation planning. This panel will present the progress and key outcomes from the the two-year study.
Moderator: Dr. Murali Baggu (NREL)
Panelists: Dr. Nate Blair (National Renewable Energy Lab – NREL), Dr. Marcelo Elizondo (Pacific Northwest National Lab – PNNL), Dr. Summer Ferreira (Sandia National Lab), Dr. Pete Cappers (Lawrence Berkley National Lab – LBNL)
Climate Change and the Electric Power Industry
The electric industry is going through dramatic transformations driven by the need to reduce dependence on fossil fuels for generation, integrate clean energy technologies, and adapt to the realities of climate change. The grid is also being increasingly challenged by extreme weather events with greater frequency and intensity exacerbated by climate change. In this panel, we will address various aspects and impacts of climate change on the electric power industry, discussing how to mitigate and how to adapt to these climate change related challenges.
Moderator: Dr. Farnoosh Rahmatian, President (NuGrid)
Panelists: Prof. Mohammad Shahidehpour (Illinois Institute of Technology), Dr. Eli Ntakou (Eversource), Dr. Bobby Jeffers (National Renewable Energy Lab – NREL), Andre Begosso (Kearney), Dr. Yannan Sun (Oncor Electric Delivery).
Energy transition: a Latin America perspective
This panel will discuss energy transition advances in Latin America, focusing on the experiences of highly qualified professionals. If, on the one hand, Latin America shows a solid potential to become a leader in alternative energy; on the other hand, it has also demonstrated to face significant challenges to achieve its potential. This panel will cover technical, economic, and regulatory aspects of decarbonizing the energy sector. Also, knowledge from Australian experience on integrating renewable generation will be shared, highlighting what can be adapted to the Latin American reality.
Moderator: Prof. Fernanda Trindade (Unicamp)
Prof. Alejandro Navarro (University of Chile), Prof. Luis Ochoa (University of Melbourne), Prof. Denis Coury (USP-Brazil), Wendell W. Teixeira, (Re-energisa, Renewable Energy Power Generation – Brazil).
November 7 2:40pm-3:40pm
Equitable resilience pathways in power systems
A more equitable grid requires the correction of the disproportionate impacts of the power sector on vulnerable communities. This includes the ability to alleviate environmental harms, provide an equitable distribution of energy and system benefits and costs, but also improve primary functions of power systems in disadvantaged communities, such as reliability, resilience, and quality of service.
Achieving equity in grid resilience requires significant changes in the power sector, ranging from policy interventions by state and federal authorities to planning and operational practices by electric utilities. This panel will discuss equitable resilience pathways in power systems, by gathering experts that work on multiple dimensions of the topic, including policy making, resilient infrastructure planning, equity research and electric utility innovation.
Moderator: Dr. Miguel Heleno (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
Anjuli Jain Figueroa, Chief of the Energy Justice Analysis Division (Department of Energy – DOE), Summer Ferreira (Sandia National Labs), C.P. Smith, President (Cooperativa Hidroeléctrica de la Montaña), Prof. Masood Parvania (University of Utah), Robin Burton (National Renewable Energy Lab – NREL), Daniel Hernandez, Vice President (Genera)
Challenges and Opportunities in Smart Grid: A Pragmatic View
This panel aims to highlight the challenges associated with the evolving electric power grid; and the experts from the academia and national lab will share their several years of experience on smart grid research and the associated opportunities. The focus will be on methodologies and tools for reliable operations of the smart grid. This panel will discuss the models and methods for managing large penetration of Smart Inverters (SIs) in power distribution networks and the focus will be on the development of efficient optimization models, phasor-based dynamic models, and AI based approaches for the management of SIs for optimal steady-state operations and dynamic analyses. In addition, the panel will also discuss various approaches to quantify smart grid uncertainties, specifically generation and failure uncertainties. This involves discussion on some of the challenges that exist in accurate quantification of the uncertainties, possible solutions, and future directions. We will also discuss how diverse sources of data can be used to develop models that are robust and address severe weather patterns. The modeling challenges introduced by the interdependency between these sources of uncertainties will also be discussed. Moreover, this panel will present the challenges and opportunities that Distributed Energy Resources can bring into the smart grid reliable operations.
Moderator: Prof. Paras Mandal (University of Texas at El Paso)
Prof. Sara Eftekharnejad (Syracuse University), Dr. Brian Pierre (Sandia National Labs), Prof. Sumit Paudyal (Florida International University), Prof. Javier Quintana (Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico).
A Latin American and International Overview of Battery Energy Storage System Operational Experiences for Different Applications—a Perspective from Utilities, Developers, and Manufacturers
Worldwide, battery energy storage is a technology that has found applications in electric power systems at the transmission, distribution, and ancillary services market levels. For the last 3–10 years, the early feasibility studies that were initiated by several countries in Latin America have found applications in the field. The systems have been deployed in substations in numerous countries, including Colombia, Brazil, Peru, and Chile. The systems have been designed to solve different problems in the electric power system. The applications used include frequency regulation, transmission contingency support, congestion relief (peak load shaving), and energy storage as transmission assets.
This panel will provide an international perspective on energy storage and its applications in substation projects. The presentations will summarize the regulatory framework developed or adapted for each country that allowed them to remove barriers to successfully introducing the technology into their power systems, as well as the unique characteristics of their energy markets. The panel speakers will present an overview of battery energy storage technologies selected for their projects and the key applications for which energy storage systems were designed. Operational experience that monitors the system’s performance, including battery charge/discharge cycles, among other parameters, will also be presented. The presentation will then summarize the time the systems have been operating for each country and the plans to replace/upgrade the battery cells. The panel will conclude with an overview of future battery energy storage projects that can be seen in the region and how these systems impact the goals of clean energy targets and decarbonization.Moderator: Dr. David Elizondo, Quanta Technology
Ernesto Huber, Executive Director (Coordinador Electrico Nacional, Chile), Rafael Flores (Engie, Peru), Pedro Elizondo (LS Energy Solutions)
November 7 3:50pm-4:50pm
Grid Resilience and Community Impact Planning – Approaches and Lessons
With increased investments in grid modernization and decarbonization, positive and equitable impacts on the communities that the grid serves is increasingly an area of priority. In building the “grid of the future” community engagement and involvement is essential. With new and innovative models of community engagement approaches being deployed, this panel will provide perspectives and approaches of leading experts on best practices and lessons learned from their experiences.
Moderator: Prof. Jeff Schlegelmilch (LUMA Energy),
Panelists: Prof. Jeff Schlegelmilch (LUMA Energy), Prof. Erick Jones (University of Texas at Arlington), Prof. Qendresa Krasniqi (Columbia University), Shala – The Movement Worldwide, Carlos Bosques (LUMA Energy)
Innovative Technologies for Building Resilient T&D Grids
Maintaining reliable and resilient operation of the bulk power system is a fundamental aspect of grid operation, and focuses on ensuring the system can withstand sudden disturbances or unanticipated failures of system elements, and in case such events do occur, the system is able to quickly recover. Electric industry has been working extensively on developing and deploying innovative technologies, advanced approaches, communication infrastructures, and automated processes that can help ensure the resilience, reliability, and stability of the T&D grids. The goal of this panel session is to share industry best practices and discuss the impact of the recent developments, such as the integration of Inverter-Based Resources (IBR)s, deployment of microgrids, and the use of synchrophasors on maintaining grid reliability and resilience.
Moderator: Dr. Mariana Vaiman, CEO (V&R Energy)
Steven Prsha, Grid Operations Services Manager (San Diego Gas and Electric – SDG&E), Prof. Qiuhua Huang, Colorado School of Mines, Dr. Omid Alizadeh (LUMA).
Data-enriched Grid Modeling of End-user Profiles, Energy Equity, and Situational Preparedness
This panel session aims to present and share the analytic methodologies and available solutions for improved renewable representations and situational awareness, such as load and behind-the-meter solar generations, as well as the potential interrelationship with fast-changing landscape in customer side considering transportation electrification and community diversity. In this panel, we invited academia and industry experts to share their experiences and research, with a focus on practical applications for T&D grid operators on grid sensing and monitoring, and prioritizing the constraints of reliability and resilience, especially from the community perspective. Examples and results on information and capability disaggregation among DERs, aggregators, community representatives, and system operators to achieve optimal system performances and resiliency.
Moderator: Dr. Xiaoyuan Fan (PNNL)
Prof. Liang Du (Temple University), Dr. Kendall Parker, (Pacific Northwest National Lab – PNNL), Prof. Adriana Luna Hernandez (University of Puerto Rico – Mayaguez – UPRM), Prof. Marcel J. Castro-Sitiriche (University of Puerto Rico – Mayaguez – UPRM)
November 8 1:00pm-2:00pm
Offshore Wind Integration (Corporate Engagement Program Panel – CEP)
The Offshore Wind (OSW) sector is growing at a rapid pace not only in US but around the world. In 2021, Biden administration announced a target of 30GW of offshore wind capacity by 2030 for US. Several offshore wind projects are already in operation on the East coast of US and many more are in the planning, design, and commissioning stages. The goal of this panel is to discuss the latest wind developments in US, some key regulations / reforms that are being proposed for OSW, challenges of integrating OSW projects into transmission system, planning, operation and design concerns with OSW, and new technologies that are being developed and deployed in offshore wind generation area.
Moderator: Sharma Kolluri – Entergy
Dr. Xiaodong Liu (Eversource), Dr. Jay Liu (PJM Interconnection), Dr. Henry Huang (Argonne National Lab)
AMI 2.0 and its Role in the Evolving Grid
AMI 2.0 is a key component in the distribution modernization plan being considered by many utilities to help manage the grid in an evolving landscape. With the adoption of electric vehicles, Distributed Energy Resources (DER’s), and severe weather impacts, there is a greater need to understand, analyze, and mitigate the impacts on the distribution system. This panel is comprised of industry experts who will share their experiences of leveraging AMI 2.0 to meet these challenges. Come join the discussion on why many in the industry are calling AMI 2.0 a “technological breakthrough.”
Moderator: David G. Hart, Senior Vice President, Protection Control and Automation (Quanta Technology)
Oscar San Martín, General Manager (CEPM), Shawn Mundy, Vice President, Grid Transformation and Investment Strategy (CenterPoint Energy), Aleksi Paaso, Vice President (LUMA), Matt Reno, Principal Engineer (Sandia National Lab)
Extreme Events and Their Impact on Power Systems
Extreme events such as droughts, wildfires, winter storms, hurricanes, and cyberattacks have caused stressful conditions and even catastrophic failures of energy systems in recent years. It is essential to maintain reliable and resilient operation of multiple energy system including bulk power systems and natural gas systems during extreme events. This panel will discuss extreme event impacts on electrical and gas energy systems as well as resilience modeling and evaluation methods. The discussion will include fragility curves related to wind speed, wind gusts and precipitation associated with hurricanes for “as built” vs “as designed” power systems. Internationally recognized experts from academia, research labs, and industry will share their original ideas and insights on this challenging topic.
Moderator: Dr. Srijib Mukherjee, Sr. R&D Staff Member (Oakridge National Laboratory – ORNL)
Dr. Melanie Bennet (Univ of Tennessee, Knoxville), Dr. Fangxing Li (Univ of Tennessee, Knoxville), Dr. Melissa Dumas (Oakridge National Laboratory – ORNL), Dr. Jibonanda Sanyal (National Renewable Energy Lab – NREL)
November 8 2:10pm-3:10pm
Resiliency improvement through hydrogen asset integration – from planning to field deployment
Hydrogen assets are becoming key long duration energy storage devices to improve resiliency of power grids. We are at a critical point in the research and development where grid-forming inverters need a reliable, inexpensive energy source on the DC side. Hydrogen is a strong candidate for its ability to generated using electrolyzers and integrated back into the grid using fuel cells. But, many utilities, researchers and practitioners are not aware of the work done in this field starting from techno-economic analysis to field deployment for safe and secure operation of hydrogen assets. This panel will bring in researchers, vendors, U.S. federally funded research labs, and utilities to present a complete picture of hydrogen integration into the grid. We strongly believe that this panel session will be of great importance to the conference as the discussion in this panel will support the theme of the conference “Resiliency improvement through hydrogen asset integration – from planning to field deployment” .
Moderator: Kumaraguru Prabakar
Indo Manogaran (National Renewable Energy National Lab – NREL), Robert Flores (U of California Irvine), Deepthi Vaidhynathan (National Renewable Energy National Lab – NREL), Laurence Adcede (San Diego Gas and Electric – SDGE).
Decentralization of Power Generation: The New Paradigm
With increasing levels of Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) the electric power system is undergoing a sea change. The conventional grid operational practices based on centralized control are inadequate to deal with myriads of active grid-edge devices. Several operational constructs that traditionally have been exercised in a top-down fashion result in unsatisfactory results under the emerging power system paradigm. For example, the conventional load forecasting methods starting from forecasting the load in a zone and using distribution factors determined by State Estimator application are no longer adequate since bus loads are no longer conforming due to variability of distributed renewable resources such as distributed solar generation. Bottom up forecasting starting from the grid edge working up to the T&D interface substations prove more effective. Inclusion of DERs in the black start and energy power restoration planning process is another example of the capabilities for leveraging grid edge assets and microgrids to enhance grid reliability and resilience. In the emerging electric power system, a combination of hierarchical information exchange and decentralized decision making is a promising paradigm shift for grid operation. This panel session will address power system operational issues associated with increasing levels of distributed generation, as well as how a combination of incentive-based measures and decentralized decision making can turn around the problem into a solution for enhanced grid reliability, resilience, and economics.
Moderator: Dr. Farrokh Albuyeh
Juan Benavides, Fedesarrollo (Bogotá), Lorenzo Kristov, Raphael Gignac (LUMA), Erik Amundson (OATI), Manuel Atanacio (ESTA).
Automated Distribution Systems – Technologies, Trend, Need and Challenges
Emerging components in distribution systems, e.g. DERs, have brought about substantial levels of challenges and opportunities for grid planning and operation. Corresponding research and technologies have been conducted and developed rapidly in recently years to address the burning needs on grid safety, reliability and resilience. Automation strategies serve as the key driving factor to shape a highly observable, controllable and predictable distribution grid.
This panel consists of speakers from DOE national labs, universities, utility, and product vendor, to present the cutting-edge research, technologies, strategies, customer experience, and visions in distribution automation domain. These speakers will provide multiple angles of insights to the grand trend of grid automation, based on their extensive years of experience in individual areas which will benefit audiences from all types of organizations.
Moderators: Rajarshi Roychowdhury (AES US Utilities)
Dr. Henry Huang, Energy Systems Division Director (ANL), Dr. Xuan Wu, Manager (AES), Dr. Di Shi, Associate Professor (New Mexico State University – NMSU), Dr. Zhaoyu Wang, Northrop Grumman Associate Professor (Illinois State University – ISU), Daniel Arden, Director of Grid Automation Marketing (Eaton)
November 8 3:40pm-4:40pm
Microgrid Operation (Adjuntas Case)
Climate change causes the weather to change, and to become more extreme. Following the Hurricane Maria in 2017, Puerto Rico experienced an island-wide power outage that lasted in some areas up to a year. The community of Adjuntas responded by developing a two microgrid system, designed to benefit the community in several ways. During normal conditions, it reduces the electricity cost of local businesses. If an extreme weather event occurs, the microgrid becomes a resiliency center and provides power to businesses serving the affected community.
We present a real-life example of a resilient community-oriented energy system in Puerto Rico. We reflect on how local communities can develop alternative programs to guarantee electricity security. We talk about the early-stage modeling and optimization of grid operation. We discuss the building blocks of real life microgrids. Finally, we talk about most recent practices to make microgrids more resilient.Moderator: Dr. Eve Tsybina (Oakridge National Lab – ORNL)
Arturo Massol (University of Puerto Rico), Marcelo Elizondo (Pacific Northwest National Lab), Fabio Andrade (University of Puerto Rico – Mayaguez), Max Ferrari (Oakridge National Lab – ORNL).
Building Community Resilience as the Bedrock for Network Transformation
This panel will address the planning, design, engineering and construction of community resilience hubs in Puerto Rico. These “resilience hubs” would evolve deployment of stationary and mobile distributed energy resources (rooftop solar PV, energy storage, electric vehicles/EVCI, load management, energy efficiency, etc.) into “microgrid cells” that could be “networked” to protect critical facilities and essential services, provide energy assurance and allow communities to withstand major climate weather events, both in terms of climate adaptation and mitigation. The speakers will discuss how to evolve these advanced systems to embed foundational information, communications and control technologies (hardware and software) for electric network transformation that supports ultimately building to grid and vehicle to everything interactions and interconnectivity. The discussion will include addressing how the design, planning and implementation of resilient community infrastructure could be integrated into emergency preparedness, response and restoration planning; building/community codes; and community housing development planning and financing.
Moderator: Elnaz Nazemi, Business Development Manager, IEMS Solution
Jeff Ricketts, President (Charge Knowledgy), Ethan Lipman, President (EV-PV), Larisa Dobriansky, Senior Vice President, Legal, Regulatory and Policy (General MicroGrids, Inc.), Dr. Kaveh Aflaki, Executive Board Member (IEMS), Francisco Berrios Portela, Deputy Chief of Staff for Energy Affairs (La Fortaleza)
Exploring the Current Landscape and Future of Microgrid Control and Protection: Advancements, Obstacles, and Strategies
As the world continues to grapple with environmental concerns and the urgent need for decarbonization, microgrids have emerged as a promising solution for integrating renewable energy sources, improving energy efficiency, and enhancing grid resiliency. However, the streamlined design and development of various types of microgrids, including utility microgrids and customer microgrids, present significant challenges. One of the key challenges in microgrid development lies in the establishment of an effective and reliable control solution for distributed energy resources (DERs), particularly for inverter-based resources (IBRs). Further, as the microgrid can operate in different operating modes, they cannot be effectively protected following conventional practices. The panelists will discuss the pressing need for developing advanced control mechanisms to effectively integrate and manage DERs within microgrids. In addition, the session will address the protection challenges associated with fault current characteristics of DERs, highlighting the necessity for a revisit of conventional protection methodologies. To overcome these challenges, innovative practical solutions will be discussed and evaluated. The main strengths of this panel session lie in the practical insights and lessons learned by the presenters, which are derived from their diverse experiences in microgrid project development.
Moderators: Dr. Farhad Elyasi (Quanta Technology)
Juan Castaneda (Southern California Edison – SCE), Dr. Amin Zamani (Quanta), Dr. Alex Nassif (LUMA), Dr. Matthew Reno (Sandia National Lab)
November 8 4:40pm-5:40pm
Towards a Resilient Power System Under Climate Extremes: Risk Analysis and Resilience Enhancement
Extreme weather events are intensifying in a changing climate, which pose significant challenges on the resilience of power systems. According to NERC report, the average annual number of weather-related power outages increased by roughly 78% during 2011-2021, compared to 2000-2010. In this proposed panel, current state-of-the-art risk analysis and resilience enhancement strategies towards a resilient power system under climate extremes will be presented. Discussions will cover a range of topics including the harnessing of diverse data types for greater visibility into distribution systems, near-optimal solutions for enhancing the resilience of renewable-based microgrids, high-resolution spatiotemporal analyses of risks to distribution networks during extreme weather. This panel is aimed at engineers, scientists, researchers, educators, students, industrial utility experts, and other stakeholders who are engaged in PES community, research, and education.
Moderator: Dr. Luo Xu (Princeton University)
Prof. Junbo Zhao (University of Connecticut), Prof. Sambuddha Chakrabarti (Princeton University), Prof. Masoud Ghandehari (New York University – NYU), Prof. Chee-Wooi Ten (Michigan Technological University).
Workforce Need for Equitable and Resilient Energy Transition
Transitioning the energy industry into a clean and sustainable future requires a new generation of workforce who not only understands engineering, but also possess skills to face new challenges faced by this transition. This include knowledge and expertise on modeling extreme weather events and climate change as well as understanding the societal impacts of engineering decisions, all of which are beyond what is though in traditional engineering disciplines. This panel brings together experts from industry and academia to discuss the skills the industry needs to deploy innovative energy technologies and how the academia can work with the industry to educate the next generation of workforce who possess the skillset.
Moderator: Prof. Masood Parvania (University of Utah), Michelle Hrycauk Nassif (LUMA Energy)
Prof. Mohammad Shahidehpour (Illinois Institute of Technology), Marianna Vaiman (V&R Energy), Prof. Jeff Schlegelmilch (LUMA Energy), Anjuli Jain Figueroa (US DOE).